Booming Bangladesh: Moving Forward to LDC Graduation

19 April 2018
12:00 - 13:30 hrs. Room XXV
, Switzerland

​The IPoA has set the ambitious goal of enabling half of LDCs to meet the criteria for graduation by 2020. As of now five countries have graduated.  6 more countries are in the process of graduation.  Three more countries, along with Bangladesh, the largest least developed country (LDC) in terms of population and economic size, met the graduation criteria for the first time in March 2018. Several LDCs have announced their intention to reach the status of graduation by or around 2020.

In recognition of the long-term development challenges, in 2010 the Government of Bangladesh adopted its ‘Vision 2021’ with the concept of ‘digital Bangladesh’. The associated Perspective Plan 2010-2021 set concrete development targets for Bangladesh with a view to transforming the socio-economic environment of Bangladesh. Realization of Vision 2021 with proper implementing plans has made it possible for Bangladesh to meet all three criteria during 2018 Triennial Review of the CDP and almost triple GNI per capita, increase the HAI by 40%, and to have lowest EVI among the least developed countries since 2009. Accordingly, the country will likely be recommended for graduation by 2024 at the next triennial review in 2021.

The session will cover some of the following topics:  Bangladesh’s success in achieving pre-eligibility for graduation from LDC status, identification of the challenges and strategies for graduation and addressing broader challenges facing recently graduated and graduating countries.

Moderator:  H.E. Mr. M. Shameem Ahsan, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Bangladesh

Ms Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary General, UNCTAD
Mr Paul Akiwumi, Director, Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programme, UNCTAD
Mr Shishir Priyadarshi, Director, Development Division, WTO
H.E. Mr Eloi Laourou, Ambassador and Permanent Representative of Benin
Mr Noah Patrick KOUBACK, CDA a.i., Permanent Mission of the Republic of Vanuatu


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