Briefing for permanent missions in Geneva
On the occasion of the fortieth anniversary of the Debt Management and Financial Analysis System (DMFAS) Programme, the UNCTAD secretariat is pleased to invite the permanent missions of member States in Geneva to a briefing on the programme. The briefing will take place with both physical and remote participation.
Since its establishment 40 years ago, the DMFAS programme has become a leading provider of technical cooperation in debt management capacity development. It offers countries a set of proven solutions for improving their capacity to manage public liabilities and produce reliable debt data for policymaking purposes and has been successful in supporting over 70 Governments.
The new financial vulnerabilities and increased risks of debt distress faced by developing countries, including as a result of the pandemic-related health and economic crises, reinforce the need for effective debt management as an intrinsically important component of public financial management. The availability of comprehensive, accurate and timely information on public debt is crucial for policy decisions and risk management.
In this context, the objective of the briefing is to present to Geneva-based delegates the work of the DMFAS programme in response to the challenges faced by countries and the impact of the programme on debt data transparency, poverty reduction, development and good governance.
Participation and Registration
Participation is open to representatives from permanent missions to the United Nations Office at Geneva and other international organizations.
Registration is mandatory and should be completed as early as possible. To complete the registration process, prospective participants should upload a note verbale from the respective permanent mission indicating whether they will participate in person or remotely.
The session will be held with physical participation, in room XXVI of the Palais des Nations, and remote participation. A link to the formal virtual meeting will be sent to registered participants, at the email address used for registration in advance of the start of the session