The inaugural meeting on Future Capital was co-convened by the UN Office of Partnerships, UNCTAD and the World Academy of Art and Science.
The world possesses all the financial resources needed to meet humanity's material needs and foster wellbeing. Money is a unique human invention, a networking device to extend mutually beneficial human relationships in space and time, and a powerful instrument for promoting sustainable development and wellbeing. But the global monetary and financial system misconstrues its fundamental purpose and role in society and is underperforming and misperforming its intended role. A new financial paradigm is needed based on a fundamental change in consciousness and values.
The objective of the the meeting is to explore inadequacies in conventional theory and examine innovative institutional, national and global strategies for consciously transforming the application of capital to address pressing human needs and global challenges.
The event is part of the preparation for the Future Capital Summit 2020 at UN headquarters in New York.