This national policy-level workshop aims at assessing the current trends in socio-economic development of Zimbabwe, progress achieved and challenges encountered. Views will be exchanged among key stakeholders on Zimbabwe’s development vision and strategy, with particular attention to enablers and facilitators of growth, structural transformation and economic diversification.
The workshop intends to relate the concepts of productive capacities and structural economic transformation to Zimbabwe’s development endeavours, including policy implications for inclusive growth and sustainable development.
The session will discuss the Productive Capacities Index (PCI), which is an innovative approach applied by UN Trade and Development to measure and benchmark the level of development of productive capacities, and the National Productive Capacities Gap Assessment as the prelude for building productive capacities.
It will examine Zimbabwe’s PCI performance and discuss the success stories of building productive capacities and accelerating structural economic transformation. It will also examine Zimbabwe’s comparative advantages and potential, together with main challenges to structural transformation, economic diversification, and productive capacities’ building, looking at the proposed pillars and drivers of growth.


Mr. Mussie Delelegn
Acting Head, Productive Capacities and Sustainable Development Branch
Division for Africa, LDCs and Special Programmes