The COVID-19 pandemic underscored the link between maritime and port connectivity and sustainable growth and fast-tracked the policy case for higher resilience in global supply chains through improved shipping services. The COVID-19 pandemic not only revealed the connectivity challenges but also the potential for further improvement, especially for Small Island Developing States, where maritime transport provides a lifeline for the local economy and social development.
In this context and as part of a joint project between UNCTAD and ESCAP aimed at improving the quality of policies and related regional cooperation to enhance maritime connectivity, to achieve more resilient and efficient supply chains in the context of COVID-19, this meeting will discuss the opportunities and challenges of designing and implementing regional/national sustainable maritime connectivity strategies in Pacific SIDS.
Participants and registration
The Expert Group Meeting on Sustainable Maritime Connectivity in the Pacific is open to member states in the Pacific and other relevant UN stakeholders who have a regional focus on the Pacific and are interested in the topic of sustainable maritime connectivity.
Further information on the conduct of the above events, including technical guidance and related virtual meeting link will be communicated to participants upon receipt of their registration.

Mr. Sooyeob Kim / Transport Division, ESCAP /
Ms. Luisa Rodriguez / Trade Logistics Branch, UNCTAD /