Training and Capacity Building Workshop on Policies and Strategies to Upgrade and Diversify the Fish Exports of Mozambique

26 - 30 November 2015
Malhampsene Lodge
, Mozambique

The training and capacity building workshop is part of UNCTAD's Project - Building the capacities of LDCs to upgrade and diversify their fish exports - which aims to upgrade the technical knowledge and expertise in beneficiary countries to overcome challenges posed by weak supply capacities and complex international food safety and quality standards on fish exports.

The project is funded through the United Nations Development Accounts and currently covers five Least Developed Countries, including Mozambique, Bangladesh, Cambodia, Comoros and Uganda.

Tuna in Mozambique
A catch of tuna coming into the docks in Maputo, Mozambique

Mozambique's fishery industry plays a crucial role in the overall economy.

The country possesses vast fishery resources and a fisheries sector with a great potential to expand in both domestic and foreign markets. However, a broad range of demand and supply side constraints act as hindrance to the further development of the sector.

The main demand side constrains include compliance to increasingly challenging and complex international standards of major fish importing economies.

The capacity building workshop and the case study undertaken by UNCTAD will, therefore, be critical in further upgrading Mozambique's fish exports and building the country's capacity to sustainably meet international quality and safety standards.

The three-day workshop is expected to bring together around 70 participants, including senior experts and government officials from relevant ministries (trade; agriculture; fisheries and aquaculture; standards etc.).

Two days will be devoted to a technical or expert level session, which will allow an in-depth discussion on the problems posed by weak supply capacities and complex international standards.

A meeting at the level of policy makers, advisors and practitioners, will focus on increasing awareness and understanding of issues related to formulating and implementing diversification policies and export promotion strategies for the fish sector.

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