In this year's meeting of the Research Partnership Platform, we will lunch the UNCTAD publication on Competition and Consumer Protection Policies for Inclusive Development in the Digital Era.
This publication is prepared in cooperation with the Center for Competition Law and Compliance at ZHAW -Zurich School of Management and Law, which is one of our close partners. In this session, we will hear different perspectives to various issues raised by the digital economy players in the policy areas related to competition, consumer protection and data protection. In the second session, we will discuss increasing inequality and competition law and policy.
The COVID-19 pandemic, which triggered a global economic crisis, increased the existing inequalities, both in developed and developing countries. There is a debate on to what extent, or if at all, competition law should be concerned with distributive issues.
Speakers will address the relevance and role of competition law and policy in addressing economic inequality. In the last session, we will have an open debate amongst participants to discuss what the emerging issues in the post-Covid-19 period are and what role competition and consumer policies and authorities can play in addressing these issues.
Attendee link to the Interprefy session will be provided.