UNCTAD field visit to Malaysia to identify needs and priorities in the area of sectorial consumer protection enforcement

20 - 22 April 2015
Ministry of Domestic Trade, Cooperatives and Consumerism (MDTCC)
Kuala Lumpur
, Malaysia

The field visits will launch the UNCTAD-ASEAN project entitled "enhancing AMS with effective capacities to adopt and implement consumer protection laws at the national level"
The project will address the need for improved technical competencies and institutional capacity within consumer protection agencies in ASEAN and build a critical mass of consumer protection trainers who are able to contribute in raising the level of compliance with consumer protection laws and regulations.
The project will build/strengthen capacity of government agency personnel through the design, development and delivery of training programs, including modular components or materials, focusing on the technical requirements provisionally involving 6 core areas, as identified in the "Road-mapping Capacity Building Needs in Consumer Protection in ASEAN" project.  These areas are:
1)         Product safety and labelling;
2)         Phone and internet services, and e-commerce;
3)         Consumer credit and banking;
4)         Environment;
5)         Healthcare services; and
6)         Professional services. 

The field visit aims to identify the needs and priorities of Malaysiain the area of sectoral consumer protection enforcement, particularly the capacities to deal with consumer protection issues such as product safety and labelling; phone and internet services; e-commerce; consumer credit and banking; environment; healthcare services;and professional services.

Once UNCTAD finalises the field visit, the main outcome to be drafted is the inception report, which will have tentatively the following sections:  
  • Approach, methodology and activities of the project towards meeting overall goals, outcomes and outputs, including monitoring and evaluation, risk management as well as quality assurance (QA) methods (if applicable)
  • Preliminary review of the literature (not simply a list of references), where appropriate
  • Work plan detailing activities and timelines, staffing plan for the activities to be undertaken, and outputs to be produced (including quality assurance activities, if applicable)
  • Analytical and data collection materials to be used such as draft questionnaires, conceptual frameworks, analytical techniques to be utilized or interview guidelines (if necessary)
UNCTAD experts:
·   Mr. Pierre Horna, Legal Affairs Officer of the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
·   Mr. Dongryeul Shin, Economic Affairs Officer of the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
·   Mrs. Ming Yan Xu, Consultant of the Competition and Consumer Policies Branch
Ad-hoc Consultants:
  • Mr. Carl Buik (Australia)
  • Mrs. Rajeswari Kanniah (Malaysia)

ASEAN Secretariat
Sponsor / funding:
ASEAN Secretariat

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