UNCTAD participation at WTO's Fifth Global Review of Aid for Trade: Side Event 28

02 July 2015
12:00-13:30, Room S2, WTO Headquarters
, Switzerland

Side event 28: Barriers Facing Women Traders in Africa: What are They and How could Aid for Trade Help in Removing Them?
(30 June - 2 July 2015)

Women are important players in trade in Africa: they produce products, transport goods across borders, manage and own trading firms or are employed to work in them. However, women’s potential in trade is often held back by the many constraints they face, including barriers to trade.

Addressing women as key economic agents has been recognized as ”smart economics” by the World Bank, which has recently launched several studies on trade and gender.

The World Bank volume "Women and Trade in Africa: Realizing the Potential" demonstrates how women will be essential to Africa’s success in exploiting its trade potential, and puts forward a set of recommendations to facilitate the participation of women in trade. On the basis of this volume, a discussion will be held on what the opportunities and challenges are, facing women in trade, and how Aid for Trade could contribute in this agenda.

Sida and UNCTAD will participate in this event to share their experiences on gender, barriers to trade and the role of Aid for Trade. Sida systemically integrates a gender equality perspective and supports several activities to strengthen women as actors.

UNCTAD supports its member countries to assess distinct effects of macro-economic policies on men and women, boys and girls, and to integrate gender considerations in negotiations, policy formulation and negotiations.



  • Mr Daniel Blockert, Swedish Ambassador to the World Trade Organization


  • Mr Joakim Reiter, Deputy Secretary-General of UNCTAD
  • Mr Paul Brenton, Africa Trade Practice Leader at the World Bank and editor of the volume “Women and Trade in Africa: Realizing the Potential”.
  • Ms Marie Ottosson, Director for International Organisations and Policy Support at the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (Sida)
  • [To be confirmed]

Discussion and Questions and Answers