UNCTAD presentation of an independent report outlining reforms of the Competition and consumer laws and the enforcement agency of Seychelles

25 - 28 March 2013
FTC offices, Parliament and the Ministry of Finance
, Seychelles

Seychelles' Fair Trade Commission, FTC, which is responsible for the implementation of the competition and consumer laws decided to review the substantive content of the laws and to adapt its laws and the institutional framework to current economic and social circumstances of the country. As part of UNCTAD assistance to Seychelles and the SADC countries, UNCTAD commissioned the report and directed the work drawing on the UN Guidelines for consumer protection and the UN Code on Competition law. These guidelines place economic development at the centre of the objectives of competition and consumer laws. the report highlights the areas where amendments to the laws are needed, emphasise the importance of the independence of the FTC and it accountability to the government and the public. It also proposes a new institutional framework and procedures for the application of the two laws. The report will be discussed with government officials, Legislators, Business and consumer representatives.

UNCTAD will provide technical assistance to the FTC to implement the recommendations if approved by the government.​


Seychelles' Fair Trade Commission
Sponsor / funding:
Seychelles' Fair Trade Commission

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Hassan Qaqaya
Tel: +41 22 917 5494