UNCTAD Youth Network participates at the 2017 ECOSOC Youth Forum

30 - 31 January 2017
14:30-16:30 hrs (New York Time), Conference Room 11, UN Headquarters
New York
, United States of America

The 2017 edition of the ECOSOC Youth Forum, themed "The role of youth in poverty eradication and promoting prosperity in a changing world", will provide a platform to engage (among others) member States, international organizations, youth organizations, academia, business sector, youth from developed and developing countries, and indigenous and rural communities, in a dialogue to promote innovative approaches and initiatives for advancing the youth development agenda at national, regional and global level and promoting global solutions to the global challenge of "shared prosperity".

The UNCTAD Youth Network participates jointly with ILO, UNDP, UNCDF, UNDESA, UN Women, IOM and MGCY at the thematic breakout session "End poverty in all its forms and create decent jobs for youth".

The breakout session will present current social and economic challenges faced by young women and men, particularly regarding:

  • Youth in fragile states: jobs for peace and resilience.
  • Youth, global markets and entrepreneurship: the business leaders of tomorrow.
  • Quality apprenticeships: learning for the future of work.

The outcome of the break out session will consist of ajoint set of recommendations on actions to address poverty and promoting decent jobs for youth and contributing to the implementation of the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development.

United Nations Economic and Social Council (ECOSOC)

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