Workshop on Integrating Gender Analysis in Caribbean and Economic Growth Programmes

23 - 26 November 2015
, Barbados

Making trade policies more gender sensitive in the Caribbean

UNCTAD and the Caribbean Development Bank organized a workshop for senior trade officers from the region on “Integrating Gender Analysis in Caribbean Trade and Economic Growth Programmes”. The workshop was held in Barbados from 23-26 November 2015.
In addition to helping policymakers understand the different ways trade policies and programmes affect women and men, the workshop focused on identifying the main challenges they face to formulating trade policies that are more gender sensitive. The 12 senior trade officers from 9 Caribbean countries who attended the workshop said that one of the main challenges they face are:
-  countries' limited capacity to analyze the relationship between trade and gender and to recognize the different roles played by men and women in the economy.
-   limited availability of sex-disaggregated data, the weak political commitment and the lack of policy coordination.
To overcome these challenges, the participants recommended that their governments invest more in training policymakers and agreed on the need to strengthen their ability to analyze the impact of trade policy on women. The trade officers also highlighted the need to more actively engage civil society and the private sector when formulating, implementing, and monitoring and evaluating policies and programmes.


Caribbean Development Bank

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