Seventeenth Colombian university joins Virtual Institute network

11 April 2013

Pontificia Universidad Javeriana (PUJ), which is one of Colombia's oldest universities and was founded in 1623, has joined the Virtual Institute (Vi) network, bringing the Vi's Colombian membership count to 17.

The university's Faculty of Economics and Management offers an undergraduate programme in business administration, with courses in international business and the Colombian economy, among others, as well as a very successful graduate programme in international management which ranks among the top 200 programmes in this area worldwide.

The courses taught on the master's programme include international finance, the international integration of Colombia, international business, corporate social responsibility, international logistics, and international negotiations.

Under the direction of a research committee, the Faculty has established three research groups:

  • Knowledge, Innovation and Competitiveness: Covers industrial policy, clusters, value chains, innovation systems, the internationalization of companies, and technological development.

  • Strategic Management: Works on corporate social responsibility and organizational change.

  • Financial Risks and Methods of Valuation of Enterprises: Deals with financial investment decisions, corporate governance and financial risks.

The cooperation with the Vi will be coordinated by Andrés Zapata Eraso of the Department of Business Administration, who teaches courses on international business, globalization, international management, and international marketing. Mr. Eraso's research areas include competitiveness of enterprises and economic development, and e-business strategies.

PUJ hopes that its membership in the Vi will assist it with staff training, upgrading of academic programmes, provision of information, and mentoring.