UNCTAD, Saudi Arabia extend cooperation to support Palestinian people

20 September 2019

UNCTAD and Saudi Arabia have extended their partnership to continue assistance to the Palestinian people.

UNCTAD Secretary-General Mukhisa Kituyi and Saudi Arabia's ambassador to the UN in Geneva, Abdulaziz M.O. Alwasil, renewed the cooperation on 19 September.

Through the memorandum of understanding, part of the framework of cooperation between UNCTAD and Saudi Arabia, the latter will help sustain the technical capacity of UNCTAD's programme focused on assistance to the Palestinian people over a two-year period.

UNCTAD will host a junior professional officer from Saudi Arabia, who will receive training while supporting UNCTAD's decades-long programme for the Palestinian people to help meet their development needs, in line with relevant UN resolutions.

Abdulaziz M.O. Alwasil and Mukhisa Kituyi
Abdulaziz M.O. Alwasil and Mukhisa Kituyi
Abdulaziz M.O. Alwasil and Mukhisa Kituyi