Inclusion of green initiatives in AfCFTA National Implementation Strategies of 20 African Countries

Over the past 10 years, as part of its work trade and climate change, UNCTAD has been supporting over 30 developing countries in harnessing green export value chains as a driver for sustainable development, low carbon economic diversification, social inclusion, and climate resilience. 

UNCTAD’s approach is based on the premise that developing countries can use the sustained demand for green goods on export markets to develop sustainable production practices, increase local value addition, and promote climate resilience.

The implementation of the African Continental Free Trade Area (AfCFTA) presents new opportunities for the development of intra-African value chains and for enhanced cooperation among African countries and businesses at the subregional and continental levels. The recent adoption by African countries of National AfCFTA implementation strategies further opens the door to the development and prioritization of green initiatives to promote sustainable intra-African trade, climate resilience and low carbon economic development.


The Project for the inclusion of green initiatives into national AfCFTA implementation strategies aims to assist participating countries with the prioritization and development of low carbon and climate resilient intra-African value chains. The project seeks to promote regional cooperation, sustainable value addition and intra-African trade. It builds on UNCTAD’s expertise in harnessing trade as a driver for sustainable development and climate action.


To promote regional cooperation and foster synergies, the project will be implemented at the level of 5 subregional country clusters from all African subregions. The implementation sequence includes 4 key steps:

  • Preparation by UNCTAD of regional climate change and trade analytical briefs identifying potential priority green value chains at the level of each regional cluster
  • Selection, by national focal points from each regional cluster, of common priority value chains
  • Preparation, by regional trade and climate change experts, of regional studies highlighting challenges, opportunities and options for the development of selected value chains
  • Consultations for the formulation and adoption of national green value chain strategies and action plans

Intended Outcomes

The project will result in:

  1. Enhanced awareness of national stakeholders and data availability on challenges and options for the development of low carbon and climate resilient intra-African value chains in the context of the AfCFTA.
  2. Greater inclusion into national policy frameworks of measures to harness intra-African trade in support of sustainable production, low carbon economic diversification, regional cooperation, and climate resilience.  

In addition to these objectives, the project will support the advancement of SDGs 12: Responsible consumption and production, 13: Climate action, 14: Life below water, 15: Life on land, and 17: Partnerships for the goals). 

The project also aligns with relevant provisions of the Nairobi Maafikiano and the Bridgetown Covenant concerning support to Africa, climate action, sustainable trade, regional cooperation, and economic diversification.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and evaluation will be conducted by UNCTAD in cooperation with ECA and DANIDA.

Project Code

Project Code





United Nations Economic Commission for Africa


Algeria, Burkina Faso, Burundi, Cameroon, Chad, Democratic Republic of the Congo, Gabon, Gambia, Kenya, Malawi, Mauritania, Mauritius, Mozambique, Rwanda, Senegal, Togo, Tunisia, Zambia, Zimbabwe





$ 1,200,000





Trade and environment Trade and environment Trade analysis Trade analysis
