International Investment Instruments: A CompendiumVol. VIIJune 2002International Investment Instruments: A Compendium contains a collection ofinternational instruments relating to foreign direct investment (FDI) and transnationalcorporations (TNCs).The collection is presented in nine volumes. The first three volumes were published in 1996. Volumes IV and V were published in 2000 followed by Volume VI in 2001. Volumes VII, VIII and IX bring the collection up to date. Most of the instruments reproduced in these volumes were adopted in the 1990s, the rest were adopted between 2000 and 2002.Compendium is meant to be a collection of instruments, not an anthology of relevant provisions. Indeed, to understand a particular instrument, it is normally necessary to take its entire text into consideration. An effort has been made, therefore, to reproduce complete instruments, even though, in a number of cases, reasons of space and relevance have dictated the inclusion of excerpts.The UNCTAD secretariat has deliberately refrained from adding its own commentary to the texts reproduced in the Compendium. The only exception to this rule is the boxes added to each instrument. They provide some basic facts, such as its date of adoption and date of entry into force and, where appropriate, signatory countries. Also, a list of agreements containing investment-related provisions signed by the EFTA countries and by the EC countries with third countries or regional groups are reproduced in the Compendium. Moreover, to facilitate theidentification of each instrument in the table of contents, additional information has been added, in brackets, next to each title, on the year of its signature and the name of the relevant institution involved.