Investment and Innovation Policy Review: Ethiopia

While the IPR focused on investment policy, it also paid special attention to local technological development and innovation. The report reviewed the country´s strategy for agricultural development, specifically the potential for improving productivity and attracting investment into the leather and leather products industry through technological changes and innovation. The analysis focused on the value chains in the production of leather-related goods, the strengths and weaknesses of the leather goods production system in Ethiopia and the policies and institutions supporting the sub-sector. Recommended actions included:

  • Mapping out core competencies and assessing the strengths and weaknesses of the economy and the growth opportunities available at the national, local and firm levels.

  • Identifying sectors or clusters of activities where competitive advantages already exist and where new ones can be developed.

  • Formulating policies and incentive schemes that target sectors or activities identified as priority investment areas and that foster linkages between foreign direct investment and local enterprises.

Since the IPR was published, UNCTAD has assisted the Government in a number of ways. It

  • prepared a strategy for the promotion of the industrial mining sector;

  • produced an Investment Guide to Ethiopia;

  • provided assistance through its Good Governance in Investment Programme, which promotes efficiency and transparency in investment institutions, and which led to the development of a client charter for the Ethiopian Investment Authority and customer service training for its staff;

  • provided support to set up facilitation and aftercare service to investors at both federal and regional levels;

  • trained IPA staff to carry out targeted investment promotion;

24 Jan 2002