Investment Policy Review: Ghana

The IPR´s central message was that encouraging existing investors to expand and reinvest in Ghana´s economy should be the main pillar of foreign direct investment (FDI) strategy in the immediate future. Ghana´s strengths in terms of attracting FDI lie mainly in natural resources. Yet there was also potential to encourage wider investment in non-traditional sectors such as resource-based agro-processed and agricultural products, and in light manufacturing for local and regional markets. Attracting investment in these areas would require concentrated efforts that include:

  • Improving the investment framework with modifications to the investment code, taxation, and land, labour and competition policies.

  • Strengthening the regulatory framework and institutions dealing with infrastructure development and privatization.

  • Launching a booster programme to revive the activities of established investors, both foreign and domestic.

  • Strengthening the Gateway strategy and linking it to attracting FDI.

  • Building clusters by promoting linkages with small and medium-size enterprises.

Since the IPR was published, UNCTAD has assisted the Government in the following ways. It:

  • advised on amending the foreign investment law;

  • reviewed and provided the Government with comments and advice on its new model bilateral investment treaty (BIT);

  • set up an investment information portal that includes information related to the investment environment and business opportunities (i-Track);

  • produced a Blue Book on Best Practice in Investment Promotion and Facilitation;

  • asssisted the investment promotion agency in establishing one stop shops to facilitate investors (with funding from ProInvest);

  • held a workshop on best practices in investment promotion and facilitation;

  • carried out an investment promotion training programme for diplomats;

  • assisted in establishing a partnership between the Ghana Investment Promotion Centre and the China-Africa Business Council, which led to the "Ghana-China B2B event: Invest in Ghana";

Investment Policy Review: Ghana (UNCTAD/ITE/IPC/Misc.14/Rev.1)
16 Jun 2003