Policy options to support women farmers to benefit from strengthened linkages between agriculture and tourism

This advocacy document presents policy options and introduces an implementation framework based on the findings of the report entitled “A gender assessment of Myanmar and of the Inle Lake area with a focus on the agriculture and tourism sectors”.

The report and the advocacy document were developed within the framework of the Swiss Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO) – United Nations Cluster on Trade and Productive Capacity, Myanmar Project entitled “Enhancing horticulture supply and sustainable tourism to develop business linkages”.

The aim of this advocacy document is twofold.

  • It provides ideas on how to further develop linkages between the three agricultural value chains - tea, ginger and avocado, and the tourism sector in the Inle Lake area, Southern Shan, and make women farmers benefit from them.

  • It introduces an implementation and monitoring framework in the following areas: indirect farmer-tourist interaction, direct farmer-tourist interaction, supply-side constraints faced by farmers, demand for local produce by tourists, communication and marketing channels, infrastructure development, other facilitators for supply-demand match, and COVID-19 policy response.

The report on which this advocacy document is based presents an analysis of the agricultural and tourism sectors in the Inle Lake area from a gender perspective and investigates how to improve women’s wellbeing through their participation in the selected value chains and tourism.

Developing and strengthening linkages between the agriculture and tourism sectors would likely contribute to women’s empowerment and gender equality, as well as to economic development in the area.