Science, technology and innovation parks in Uzbekistan: Assessment and policy issues

Technical cooperation outcome

Uzbekistan's STI parks could play an increasingly important role in the country's economic growth by supporting innovation and commercializing research and innovation outcomes.

This report examines the current state of these STI parks, while identifying challenges and opportunities, and recommend possible strategies and policies to strengthen their impact on technology and innovation-driven sustainable development.

  • Section II explains the role of STI parks as an instrument to support innovation- based growth with particular emphasis on middle-income economies.

    This section is complemented by an annex that reviews selected economies' experiences.

  • Section III assesses the role of STI parks in Uzbekistan's innovation ecosystem.
  • Section IV explores the challenges for STI parks in Uzbekistan, presents a taxonomy of these organizations based on fieldwork conducted in December 2023 and collected questionnaires to STI park managers.
  • Section V draws analytical conclusions based on fieldwork.
  • Section VI identifies challenges and recommendations relevant to Uzbekistan based on the world experiences. Section VII draws recommendations based on Uzbekistan's innovation policy stakeholders' views and reflects positive Chinese experiences in STI park support policy.
  • Section VIII provides recommendations for future training programmes for Uzbekistani STI park managers and policymakers.

The report is accompanied by an annex summarizing selected cases of STI parks in different economies.

This report was prepared under the UNCTAD Project on Science, Technology and Innovation Parks for Sustainable Development: Building expertise in policy and practice in selected Asian and African countries, financed by the 2030 Sustainable Development Agenda Sub-Fund under the United Nations Peace and Development Fund.

Science, technology and innovation parks in Uzbekistan: Assessment and policy issues - Technical cooperation outcome  (UNCTAD/TCS/DTL/INF/2024/7)
7 Nov 2024