Launch of database on utilization of trade preferences

To better support countries and raise awareness on the expected positive impacts of multilateral negotiation and consensus building, UNCTAD created a website on the utilization of trade preferences for LDCs and developing countries.

The website can be used by African governments and businesses to access real-time information on the negotiations on tariff schedule offers and rules of origin under the AfCFTA.

This is a steppingstone towards established solid cooperation in eliminating tariffs and non-tariff barriers to trade in merchandises and liberalizing trade in services.

The UNCTAD GSP Utilization Database provides information on the utilization of the Generalized System of Preferences (GSP) schemes as well as other trade preferences granted to developing countries and LDCs under the GSP Duty-Free Quota-Free (DFQF) arrangements and in limited occurrences to trade preferences under reciprocal free trade agreements (FTAs).

The database currently covers imports by Canada, European Union, Japan and the USA, from their GSP beneficiaries and DFQF arrangements over the period 2004-2020.

The data is sourced from preference-giving countries or from information that has been shared with UNCTAD and then elaborated on to fit into the present database. The database was launched and presented to several LDCs in 2021.

GSP Utilization database


More on the database on GSP utilization