Trade facilitation e-learning platform trains over 1,000 decision-makers

In 2021, UNCTAD’s online trade facilitation courses helped officials from 27 countries gain knowledge and skills needed to implement the landmark Trade Facilitation Agreement (TFA) of the World Trade Organization. The TFA seeks to simplify, modernize and harmonize export and import processes. In many developing countries, especially in Africa, there’s an implementation gap that UNCTAD is working to solve.

To address this challenge during the COVID-19 pandemic, UNCTAD launched its trade facilitation e-learning platform, with financial support from the United Kingdom.

Multilingual, self-paced learning

The e-learning platform, available in English, French, Portuguese and Spanish, has provided a safe and effective alternative to the classroom, offering a convenient way for busy professionals from public and private sectors to gain knowledge on trade facilitation matters.

The platform has so far offered 10 self-paced modules, with 150 videos, 60 quizzes, handouts and further reading materials to support participants in their e-learning journey.  In addition, a total of 195 webinars were organized, close to one every working day since the launch of the platform.

At these virtual events, international and national experts shared critical key concepts and adapted them to each country’s reality. This allowed trade facilitation stakeholders to dive deeper into the meaning, application and technicalities of each key concept, and to fully understand them in relation to one another. A total of 659 participants – almost equal numbers of women and men – graduated from the programme.


Positive feedack

According to the evaluations, 95% of participants said the course helped them significantly improve their knowledge on trade facilitation.

Similarly, 94% said they now feel more comfortable to apply trade facilitation principles and concepts in their daily jobs and 91% felt in a better position to fulfil their roles as national trade facilitation committee members.

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Self-paced courses and interactive webinars
In collaboration with other United Nations and international organisations

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Offered in different languages
Available in English, French, Portuguese, and Spanish

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More than 1000 policy makers
have joined our programmes
From 40 different nationalities


More on the e-learning platform