UNCTAD's 60th anniversary: Media kit

UNCTAD 60th anniversary Media banner

Media kit 

The 60th anniversary of UN Trade and Development will centre on the Global Leaders Forum: “Charting a new development course in a changing world”.

The forum will look at innovative strategies in industrial policy, digital transformation, FDI, and development, and how developing countries can adopt much needed targeted policies for sustainable and inclusive growth amid global challenges. See the full programme.

UN Trade and Development produces the key data for development policy and action design, working closely with key UN agencies and other international partners.

The organization amplifies the voice of the Global South in for a shaping global development. Ahead of the 60th anniversary, this has been further underscored by the first-ever rebranding of the organization, consolidating the transformation initiated under Secretary-General Rebeca Grynspan, the first woman to lead UN Trade and Development.

About UN Trade and Development

Rebeca Grynspan, Secretary-General of UNCTAD

Globalization, including a phenomenal expansion of trade, has helped lift millions out of poverty. But not nearly enough people have benefited. And tremendous challenges remain.

Read more

For direct human contact

Marcelo Risi, Editorial Lead
Catherine Huissoud, Press Officer

Finding your way at the Palais des Nations

Palais Map
  • Point 5: Cafeteria

  • Point 10: Bar Serpent, also serving light snacks and refreshments.


12 June

All day

  • Considering high attendance and security protocols, 20 places have been reserved for media on a first-come-first-serve basis (contacts below).

  • The United Nations Information Service will organize a pool for visual press (ACANU & Agencies) for 2 photographers and 2 videographers


  • Media stakeout with UN Secretary-General, António Guterres at Tempus Building.

12-14 June

  • Onsite: You can follow all proceeding from the Press Conference Room at the Palais de Nations, Building C, door C21.

  • Online: Follow the live streamed via the UNCTAD60 event page.

  • All sessions will be recorded and uploaded throughout the day on the UNCTAD60 event page.

  • Broadcast recording of the event will be available for download in sequential 15-minute files organized by date and time of day via the following link.

  • Broadcasters needing to plug in their live transmission devices for the UNTV signal can do so at the feed point located in the UNTV office (Room E-4).

  • A live webcast signal will be available on UN Web TV .

  • Media spillover facilities will be available in the UN Geneva Press Room (building C door C21)