Agreed conclusions on the outcomes of expert meetings

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2010
Agreed conclusions on the outcomes of expert meetings
30 Apr 2010

The Commission

  1. Takes note of the reports of the Multi-year Expert Meeting on Enterprise Development Policies and Capacity-building in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) on its second session (TD/B/C.II/MEM.1/7); the Multi-year Expert Meeting on International Cooperation: South–South Cooperation and Regional Integration on its second session (TD/B/C.II/MEM.2/6); the Multi-year Expert Meeting on Investment for Development on its second session (TD/B/C.II/MEM.3/6); the Expert Meeting on Green and Renewable Technologies as Energy Solutions for Rural Development (TD/B/C.I/EM.3/3); and the Expert Meeting on the Contribution and Effective Use of External Resources for Development, in particular for Productive Capacity-building (TD/B/C.II/EM.1/3).

Multi-year expert meetings

(Agenda item 3 (a))

Multi-year Expert Meeting on Enterprise Development Policies and Capacity-building in Science, Technology and Innovation (STI) at its second session

  1. Welcomes the identification of actionable outcomes, including the creation of a set of good practices on entrepreneurship policies and the development of core indicators on entrepreneurship development.
  2. Encourages, within UNCTAD’s available resources, the development of a policymaking tool for entrepreneurship development in developing countries and countries with economies in transition, based on policy frameworks and core indicators and taking into account best practices and lessons learned from other relevant intergovernmental institutions and stakeholders.
  3. Encourages UNCTAD to cooperate with other international, regional and national organizations and other stakeholders to develop relevant STI indicators as a basis for effective policy recommendations; to explore the possibility of developing a common list of STI indicators adapted to the realities of developing countries and to build capacity in developing countries, in particular the LDCs; to collect and analyze STI data; and to assist policymakers to formulate development-oriented STI policies.

Multi-year Expert Meeting on International Cooperation: South–South Cooperation and Regional Integration at its second session

  1. Considers that scaling up investment, both public and private, in the agricultural sector is one of the keys to addressing the challenges of food insecurity in developing countries. In pursuit of the same, recognizes the importance of better investment planning, sharing of knowledge and experience, capacity-building, trade facilitation in the agricultural sector, and South–South cooperation. In this regard, encourages UNCTAD to continue its work on promotion of South–South and regional cooperation.
  2. Further considers that foreign direct investment (FDI) in agriculture and related industries and services, within the framework of transparency and appropriate regulation, is an important strategic component that can help enhance developing countries’ marketing channels, technological know-how and management skills.

Multi-year Expert Meeting on Investment for Development at its second session

  1. Emphasizes the importance, inter alia, of promoting an enabling environment for attracting investment in view of the increasing importance of investment as a driver for development, and for the transfer of technology.
  2. Notes the potential impact of FDI on food security and rural poverty alleviation and supports the development of the set of Principles for Responsible International Investment in Agriculture for Sustainable Development; emphasizes the need for a transparent and inclusive process which allows ample input from Governments and all relevant stakeholders and requests UNCTAD to continue its collaboration with other international organizations to this end in line with General Assembly resolution 64/192 and the Declaration of the World Food Summit in 2009 of the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO).
  3. Notes the potential role of FDI in addressing the effects of climate change on trade and investment in developing countries, and requests UNCTAD, in accordance with its mandate as outlined in Accra Accord paragraph 100, to focus its policy analysis on trade- and investment-related issues.
  4. Notes the importance of UNCTAD, in collaboration with other organizations with substantial expertise on international investment issues, identifying and addressing the challenges and opportunities for international investment to contribute more effectively to economic development for all countries. In this regard, welcomes the collaboration with other institutions on quarterly reports on measures affecting international investment.

Single-year expert meetings

(Agenda item 3 (c))

Expert Meeting on Green and Renewable Technologies as Energy Solutions for Rural Development

  1. Encourages Governments to consider the inclusion of renewable energy technologies (RETs) in national policies and recognizes the important role that trade and investment can play in disseminating RETs.
  2. Requests UNCTAD, within its mandate and within available resources, in collaboration with other relevant institutions, to analyse best practices in promotion of investment in RETs for sustainable rural development, particularly focusing on incentive structures and strengthening enterprise development.

Expert Meeting on the Contribution and Effective Use of External Resources for Development, in particular for Productive Capacity-building

  1. Emphasizes the importance of an enabling environment that allows FDI to act as a catalyst for development at the domestic and international level, and the role of Governments and other stakeholders in enhancing local productive capacity by promoting more efficient allocation of resources as well as technological and organizational efficiency. Notes that insufficient domestic capacity limits FDI inflows and their impact on development. Further notes the importance of UNCTAD’s work on investment, including the Investment Policy Reviews.
  2. Recognizes that boosting investment and capital accumulation depends on both private capital inflows and domestic resource mobilization, and that external borrowing can play an important role in financing of capital goods imports required for the creation and upgrading of productive capacities, particularly in instances where foreign exchange cannot be generated through exports.