Evaluation of UNCTAD activities

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2024
Evaluation of UNCTAD activities
Agreed Conclusions
11 Oct 2024


The Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance

  1. Reaffirms the importance of evaluation as a management tool to enhance accountability, organizational learning and evidence-based decision-making, in accordance with the UNCTAD evaluation policy and the norms and standards for evaluation of the United Nations Evaluation Group, as well as the secretariat’s update to member States on the implementation of relevant recommendations identified during past evaluations;

Evaluation of UNCTAD activities: Overview

  1. Welcomes the content of “Evaluation of UNCTAD activities: Overview” (TD/B/WP/330), and encourages the secretariat to continue strengthening its evaluation function, in line with United Nations system-wide benchmarks;
  2. Takes note of progress made by the secretariat on the implementation of results-based management, including through its new results framework;
  3. Requests continued action, in line with the guidelines and practices of the United Nations Secretariat, to ensure the relevance, coherence, efficiency, effectiveness (including impact) and sustainability of UNCTAD interventions, facilitate the mainstreaming of United Nations cross-cutting issues and deliver on other evaluation recommendations;

External evaluation of UNCTAD subprogramme 3: International trade and commodities

  1. Welcomes the “Independent evaluation of UNCTAD subprogramme 3: International trade and commodities” (TD/B/WP/331) and the “Management response to the independent evaluation of subprogramme 3: International trade and commodities” (TD/B/WP(88)/CRP.2);
  2. Requests that the secretariat implement the recommendations contained in the external evaluation of UNCTAD subprogramme 3, taking into consideration the management response and the views expressed by member States during the eighty-eighth session of the Working Party on the Programme Plan and Programme Performance;
  3. Affirms that UNCTAD will not conduct an independent subprogramme evaluation in 2025, the year of the quadrennial conference, as per established practice, and looks forward to resuming the cycle of subprogramme evaluations with subprogramme 4 on technology and logistics in 2026.