Financing the participation of developing country experts in UNCTAD expert meetings

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 1998
Financing the participation of developing country experts in UNCTAD expert meetings
Decision 456 (XLV)
22 Oct 1998
  1. The Trade and Development Board, having received the President´s report on his consultations on the establishment of guidelines and modalities for the distribution of the relevant funds for the financing of experts in order to enhance participation of developing country experts in UNCTAD expert meetings in accordance with paragraph 114 of "A Partnership for Growth and Development", in compliance with action taken by the Board at its seventeenth executive session, decides that:
  2. Experts benefiting from the financing should be nominated by their Governments and have proven experience; they will serve expert meetings in their personal capacity.
    1. The nomination procedure will be as follows:
      1. The Secretary-General will include, in each notification to member States for forthcoming expert meetings, a specific request for nominees to benefit from the financing;
      2. At least four weeks before each meeting, members States could each name one expert per expert meeting to benefit from the financing, attaching a curriculum vitae;
    2. The Secretary-General will base his decisions regarding the enhancement of the participation of developing-country experts on the principle of equitable geographical representation, beneficiary needs and the expertise of the experts concerned.
  3. Once the list of experts has been finalized, the Secretary-General will subsequently have all travel arrangements made in accordance with United Nations financial rules and regulations. In the event of scarcity of resources and in order to stretch available resources to cover as many experts as possible, the Secretary-General will be authorized to use the least costly travel fare.
  4. The financing will facilitate the participation of the appropriate number of developing country experts for each UNCTAD expert meeting. The Secretary-General will present a report to the regular session of the Trade and Development Board on the financing and on the participation of experts in UNCTAD expert meetings in achieving the objectives of the financing.

900th plenary meeting
23 October 1998