Investment, innovation and technology for development

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2013
Investment, innovation and technology for development
Agreed Conclusions
3 May 2013

The Investment, Enterprise and Development Commission,

       Recognizes the importance of the development of a significant science, technology and innovation (STI) capacity for mobilizing gains from today’s globalized and knowledge-based economy, and in this regard requests the secretariat to continue its assistance to developing countries, in particular LDCs and economies in transition, including policy-oriented work in making STI an instrument for supporting national development, competitiveness and export diversification, and encourages the implementation and support for follow-up of its work in this regard,

       Expresses its satisfaction for the quality of the policy dialogue that took place concerning the issues of investing in technology and innovation, and notes the need to develop STI policies, including STI-funding models, taking into account the national context and needs of developing countries,

       Requests the secretariat to continue to facilitate the exchange of experiences and mutual learning about STI policies, including through its programme of publications, and to continue to conduct research on STI policies and to provide appropriate policy recommendations to accelerate the advancement of STI.