Proposal to enhance the functioning of the Working Party

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2009
Proposal to enhance the functioning of the Working Party
Agreed Conclusions 501 (LVI)
11 Oct 2009

The Trade and Development Board

  1. Notes the proposal to enhance the functioning of the Working Party putforward by the secretariat in document TD/B/56/CRP.2, in accordance with theagreed conclusions of the Working Party at its resumed fifty-second session;

  2. Requests the President of the Board to organize informal consultations onthe issue and to report to the extended bureau of the Board with a view to reachingagreement on how to enhance the functioning of the Working Party;

  3. Requests the Bureau to report to the Board at the Board’s next session;

  4. Requests the UNCTAD secretariat to propose a schedule of meetings thatallows the Working Party to submit recommendations for the Trade andDevelopment Board’s approval while meeting United Nations deadlines for budgetrelatedsubmissions;

  5. Requests that the next Working Party take place in October/November2009 to allow member States to advise UNCTAD on submissions to New York.

1040th plenary meeting
12 October 2009