Report of the Trade and Development Commission on its first session

Action taken by the Trade and Development Board 2009
Report of the Trade and Development Commission on its first session
Agreed Conclusions
15 May 2009

The Commission requests UNCTAD to take into account the different needs and circumstances of countries according to paragraph 10 of the Accra Accord, particularly LDCs, when implementing these conclusions.

  1. The Commission notes with appreciation UNCTAD’s report on the “Global economic crisis: implications for trade and development” (TD/B/C.I/CRP.1), and requests UNCTAD to continue its analytical work on the impact of the global economic crisis on trade and development, especially on developing countries, particularly LDCs as well as countries with economies in transition severely affected by the crisis, and to periodically report its findings to member States. These findings should be transmitted to relevant forums, as appropriate, such as the United Nations Conference at the Highest Level on the World Financial and Economic Crisis and its Impact on Development, to be held in New York in June 2009;
  2. The Commission requests UNCTAD to assist countries, upon request by the country or group concerned, to assess the trade and development impact of the global crisis on their economies and to consider policy options and successful strategies for appropriate mitigating measures, to build more resilience and to engender sustainable development processes that promote the achievement of internationally agreed development goals, including the MDGs;
  3. The Commission notes that, with regard to energy-related aspects of trade and development, the key challenge is to ensure universal access to sufficient and reliable energy sources that promote sustainable development, especially in developing countries;
  4. The Commission takes note of the secretariat’s efforts to implement the Accra Accord as regards international trade in goods and services, commodities and trade logistics, and to further strengthen synergies within the secretariat and among its three pillars of work.