Advancing bioenergy in Latin America: UNCTAD collaborates with IRENA on liquid biofuels event in Quito, Ecuador

11 - 13 November 2015
Quorum Conference Centre
, Ecuador

factory.pngThe National Institute of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy of Ecuador (INER) organized its international congress on energy sustainability from November 11–13, 2015. The workshop on liquid biofuels took place on November 13, and was lead by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA). IRENA is currently working on numerous studies in renewable energy innovation and presented the upcoming IRENA Innovation Technology Outlook of Advanced Biofuels, which discusses prospects for production and deployment in the next three decades.

tractor.pngUNCTAD, by invitation of IRENA, presented highlights of its upcoming study on 2nd Generation Biofuel technologies, a sector of the bioeconomy which has grown quickly over the last few years.

The presentation included statistics on the growing number of commercial 2nd generation (cellulosic) biofuels which have become operational over the last year, amounting to a total of about 1.6 billion litres of installed capacity as of 2015. This generated debate with the audience on whether this capacity can be fully utilized in face of upcoming blending plans in the US and European markets.

A specific side-event also discussed innovation and responsible policy-setting to foster the devleopment of advanced bioenergy in developing countries. The session, led by INER, gathered experts from the US National Renewable Energy Laboratory (NREL), Imperial College UK, Petrobras, UNCTAD, IRENA and numerous South American researchers and practitioners.

green.jpgIt concluded that advanced bioenergy development has to be done taking into consideration local and regional priorities, which change depending on the country.  Furthermore, bioenergy programmes shall be deployed with strong linkages to agriculture and demand sources / end usages (such as electricity, transport, heating, cooking energy, etc), in order for bioenergy policies to play their part in attaining the goals promoted in SDG 7 over the next decades.

Sponsor / funding:
The International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA)

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