BioTrade at UNCTAD XII

20 - 25 April 2008
, Ghana

​During the twelfth session of the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development, held in Accra, Ghana from 20 to 25 April 2008, the BioTrade Initiative of UNCTAD launched the second phase of the BioTrade Facilitation Programme (BTFP II), which helps developing countries benefit from the sustainable use of their biodiversity.

BioTrade has created platforms where stakeholders have successfully engaged and, as a result, it is increasingly seen as an important component in development cooperation. Nevertheless, the complex and evolving legal and policy environment could negatively impact conservation efforts through the sustainable use of biodiversity, unless BioTrade is adequately recognized.

At the Conference, the 194 Member States of UNCTAD reinforced the mandate of the BioTrade Initiative and instructed it to continue its support for the creation of an enabling policy environment to foster private sector engagement. In addition, Member States recognized that "the conservation and sustainable use of biodiversity provide opportunities in trade, investment and development for developing countries. Strategies to facilitate trade in products and services related to biodiversity should be considered, as appropriate, to promote trade and sustainable development".

(For more information, please review the document TD/L.414, paragraphs 59, 84, 85 and 102).

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