Brainstorming Meeting on the ASEAN Research Centre for Competition

26 - 27 September 2017
Hotel Marco Polo Artigas, Manila
, Philippines

​Under Goal 2 of ACAP 2025, the capacities of competition-related agencies in ASEAN Member States (AMS) are to be strengthened to effectively implement competition policy and law (CPL).  A main plank of the outcomes under this goal is the enhancement of capacity in institutional development, enforcement, advocacy, economic analysis/sector studies and related policy areas. The initiatives under this strategic goal are oriented towards addressing capacity building gaps in view of ensuring certain set of skills or competencies for competition agencies and related actors (including, judges, lawyers, economists, among others).

In this connection, one of the action lines is the establishment of ASEAN Research Centre  for Competition (previously alluded to as the ASEAN Competition Centre) to conduct regional research and training activities related to CPL. Currently, much of these capacity-building needs are met by dialogue partners, while some AMS, may have in-house training capability in addition to certain national universities or research institutes with training and research capabilities in competition law, which can support the work of AMS’ competition agencies as necessary. 
ASEAN Secretariat and GIZ Jakarta Office
Sponsor / funding:
GIZ and ASEAN Secretariat

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