Briefing on the Global Economy

19 May 2023
13:30 - 14:45 hrs. Room XXII, Palais des Nations
, Switzerland

Developing countries are facing years of difficulty as the global economy slows down amid heightened financial turbulence.

Annual growth across large parts of the global economy will fall below the performance registered before the pandemic and well below the decade of strong growth before the global financial crisis.

UNCTAD estimates that interest rates hikes will cost developing countries more than $800 billion in foregone income over the coming years. Global growth in is also likely to be lower than projected in September 2022, assuming the financial fallout from higher interest rates is contained to the bank runs and bailouts of the first quarter.

Member States are invited to a briefing on recent events in the global economy, and how they will affect developing economies. 

Speakers tbc

(UNCTAD/GDS/INF/2023/1) -  12 Apr 2023

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