The Productive Capacities Index (PCI) is a multidimensional, composite index designed to measure, benchmark and monitor productive capacities. The PCI is now available for 194 economies from 2000 to 2022, based on 42 input variables. The PCI is a practical and pragmatic tool to aid in the formulation and implementation of development policymaking, as it enables researchers to assess progress across 8 components - Human Capital, Natural Capital, Energy, ICT, Transport, Institutions, Private Sector and Structural Change.
The objective of this briefing is to share insights with key Jamaican stakeholders including counterparts from the Jamaica Productivity Center on the Productive Capacities Index (PCI) and its role in measuring and enhancing productivity, while providing further technical details on the construction of the index and its relevance for evidence-based policy formulation in order to accelerate the process of fostering productive capacities and structural economic transformation.


Mr. Mussie Delelegn
Head A/I
Productive Capacities and Sustainable Development Branch