Three major negotiations involving climate change, SDGs and trade will mark the 2015 development agenda:
The climate negotiations, which will culminate in the summit in Paris, in December 2015.
The intergovernmental negotiations on post-2015 development agenda.
The Doha Round negotiations in the WTO.
While distinctly different, all these negotiating tracks share a number of important policy "markers" with sustainable development. In all three, it can be argued that trade serves as an enabler in the long run, ensuring the implementation of any eventual agreement is inclusive within across countries.
UNCTAD's role will be affected by the outcomes of these negotiations as well as that of the 14th UNCTAD Conference (UNCTAD XIV) in Lima in 2016.
In the light of these negotiations, and in view of the Durban Platform for Enhanced Action (ADP) negotiations taking place in Geneva, this briefing session aims to inform delegates about the issues at stake, their linkages and possible impact on the environment, trade and development.
The briefing may be of particular interest to trade policy officials and practitioners, trade negotiators, representatives of environmental authorities, business associations and private companies engaged in international trade and that are affected by environmental policies.
Experts from international organizations dealing with issues relevant to the briefing session will also be invited.
Specialized agencies and intergovernmental bodies wishing to participate in the briefing session, as well as non-governmental organizations in the general category and those in the special category wishing to participate as observers, are requested to inform the UNCTAD secretariat of the names of their representatives.