BTFP National Value Chain Analysis Workshop for the natural ingredients sector in Vietnam

16 - 17 October 2006
, Viet Nam

​On 16-17 October, the BioTrade Facilitation Programme and the Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (MARD) of Vietnam held a National Value Chain Analysis Workshop for the natural ingredients sector in Vietnam. The objective of this workshop was to bring together national institutions and the private sector to discuss the status of the natural ingredients sector and identify priority areas to promote Vietnam’s natural ingredients in international markets.

The value chain analysis workshop was a first step towards developing an export strategy for natural ingredients, using a sectoral approach that complements on-going efforts at national level. As part of this strategy, the BTFP is collaborating with SIPPO to support private-sector companies producing natural ingredients to gain access to European markets.

The implementation of an export strategy for the natural ingredients sector in Vietnam is seen as an opportunity to support the action plan for non-timber forest products (NTFPs), prepared by the Department of Forestry of MARD. Discussions on the strategy were therefore held in the context of the action plan, whose long-term objectives are: to identify NTFPs as the main product of the forestry industry; to increase the value of those products; to increase subsequent income generated by rural communities; and to put a stop to the degradation of forest resources.

The workshop was a first opportunity to initiate concrete activities to work towards the achievement of the objectives established in the action plan. Participants found the event very useful, particularly the identification of priority activities to strengthen value chains.

BTFP is looking forward to continuing supporting the value chain of natural ingredients in close collaboration with MARD, carried out in line with the objectives of Vietnam’s NTFP action plan.

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