BTFP Regional workshop: Discussion on the verification and impact monitoring assessment system for BioTrade activities

10 July 2006
, Peru

​The BioTrade Facilitation Programme held a workshop at CAN's Headquarters in Lima, in parallel to the meetings of the Plants and Animals Committees of CITES. The topics addressed in this workshop were:

  • Analysis of results of field tests of the BioTrade verification framework for natural ingredients, and discussions on next steps for the development of an international standard.
  • Discussions on the proposal for the development of an Impact Assessment System for BioTrade.
  • Presentation of the advances in the methodologies that are being developed by BTFP (the elaboration and implementation of management plans).

Update on the trade impact studies of the EU Novel Foods Regulation on BioTrade: presentation of results of working groups in Colombia, Ecuador and Peru.

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