Establishing clear links between trade policy and overarching goals, including gender equality and women's economic empowerment, would further contribute to making trade a tool for sustainable development.
Many countries have used and continue using trade as a means of development. However, the benefits of trade have to be assessed against its asymmetries and possible negative consequences.
A way of doing so is to complement the assessment of the risks and benefits of trade for a country as a whole with an analysis of its potential impacts on different segments of the population, in particular those who risk being "left behind", including women and girls.
The event will provide the opportunity to discuss:
How to make a gender assessment of trade measures before their implementation, including by using UNCTAD Trade and Gender Tool Box
How to link trade policy to the overarching goals of the 20130 Development Agenda.
Isabelle Durant, Deputy Secretary-General, UNCTAD
Anabel González, Senior Director, Global Practice on Trade and Competitiveness, World Bank Group
Oscar Stenström, State Secretary to the Minister for EU Affairs and Trade, Ministry for Foreign Affairs of Sweden
Simonetta Zarrilli, Chief, Trade, Gender and Development Programme, UNCTAD