COMPAL Advanced Competition Law Enforcement National Workshops for case handlers in Colombia and Peru

18 - 23 April 2013

Bogota (18 – 20 April 2013) and Lima (21 – 23 April 2013)

The COMPAL Programme, national projects for Colombia and Peru will hold two national ad-hoc workshops during the week of 18 to 23 April 2013 in Bogota and Lima for competition case handlers. The advanced national workshops will address specific topics of interest and relevance to day-to-day work of the case handlers in close coordination with the national competition authorities of Colombia and Peru through the national project coordinators of the COMPAL Programme in these countries.

UNCTAD through the COMPAL Programme has invited Prof. Ariel Ezrachi, Director of the Oxford University Competition Policy Centre as well as Mr. Michael Kane, Senior Case Handler of the US Federal Trade Commission to be part of these workshops as resource persons. In addition, UNCTAD staff will be part of the workshops through the Leader and officer-in-charge of the COMPAL Programme, Mr. Pierre Horna so as to facilitate and comment the lectures delivered by Prof. Ezrachi.

Method of work
The workshops are designed to address specific and problematic issues that arise from day-to-day case handlings. The identification of these issues was previously consulted with each competition authority well in advance. The interaction between two major competition systems (EU and US) will provide a useful insight to Colombian and Peruvian case handlers on how these topics are handled by EC Competition Law and its comparative analysis under US Antitrust Law. Additional insights will be provided by COMPAL countries’ experience in the form of commentaries to be delivered by UNCTAD.
Therefore, the topics presented for each day will have a preliminary overview under EC Competition Law and/or English Law. US FTC experience will be provided as a way contrasting this experience with that of the US long-standing expertise on these topics. Case handlers are expected to interact with the speakers not only during the delivery of the lectures but also after the workshops, including additional study tours in Oxford University in the future. 




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Pierre M. Horna
Tel: +41 22 917 4766