Competition Law Enforcement Training Workshops for Case Handlers of INDECOPI Regional Offices (IROs)

18 - 23 February 2013
Hotel Sonesta
Chiclayo and Arequipa, Peru
, Peru

The COMPAL Programme, the Swiss Competition Commission, Mexican Federal Competition Commission and Peru's INDECOPI launch a National Training Workshop for case handlers in INDECOPI regional offices (IRO).

One of the main objectives of cooperation between UNCTAD and Peru on competition law enforcement is related to "Strengthening the role of INDECOPI in the enforcement of competition and consumer protection nationwide". This is also in line with the recommendations of the COMPAL evaluation for the new COMPAL II program, which focuses on the decentralization of enforcement activities and providing technical expertise for IRO.

In this sense, these workshops are crucial for strengthening the capacities of case handlers of IRO in assisting the Lima Office enforcers in the investigation of nationwide competition cases. In addition, this activity will allow the IRO case handlers to develop additional expertise in detecting, in a pro-active manner, anti-competitive behaviour in their own regional markets, as these officials are also in charge of settling consumer protection disputes.

Under the component of "Technical assistance to INDECOPI regional offices" within the COMPAL Programme for Peru, the objective of these two training workshops is to provide know-how to the IRO case handlers on detecting cartels in their local markets. In this regard, methods to detect cartels, investigation techniques and tools and issues for the future will be among the topics addressed at the workshops.

The expected outcomes of the workshops include: - Increased awareness of IRO case handlers of the good international practices and techniques to detect cartels - A plan to strengthen IRO on competition law enforcement, launched for the year 2013. - A contribution to the decentralization of competition law enforcement (a highly relevant, effective, efficient and sustainable action of the COMPAL Programme).

Participants: Mr. Rafael Corazza. Director of the Swiss Competition Commission Secretariat. Mr. Pierre Horna. Officer-in-charge of the COMPAL Programme of UNCTAD. Mr. Carlos Mena. Director of Cartel Division. Federal Competition Commission of Mexico.
18 Feb 2013
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Pierre M. Horna
Tel: +41 22 917 4766