Conference: Voices of the rural communities from the South

25 October 2014
16:30- 18:00 hrs., Salon Internatzionale del Gusto
, Italy

This conference will share the results and conclusion of the Workshop entitled: Voices from rural communities in Least Developed Countries: Promoting traditional food products and the territory through "made in" initiatives and geographical indications, organized jointly by UNCTAD and Slow Food on 23-24th October 2014.

The workshop discussed how trade laws like geographical indications or branding techniques linked to the concept of "made in" may assist the rural communities in promoting their products, enter value chains while preserving their territorial integrity and biodiversity.

The workshop also provided detailed information - from a national perspective - on the challenges that different communities have experienced in promoting their traditional products and how geographical indications or other initiatives have helped in adding more value to their products.

Hence, by sharing the main findings with a broader audience, this Conference will provide the opportunity to further explore the various options and modalities on how International community could develop mechanisms and modalities to assist the rural communities in the LDCs to promote their traditional products while preserving their identity and biodiversity.

List of speakers:

  • Mr. Amedeo TETI – Director General for International Trade Policy, Ministry of Economic Development
  • TBC - Representative of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs
  • Mr. Paolo DI CROCE – Secretary General, Slow Food
  • Mr. Stefano INAMA – Chief of Technical Cooperation and Enhanced Integrated Framework, Division for Africa, Least Developed Countries and Special Programmes, UNCTAD
  • Mr. Jules RANDRIANARIVELO – Head of the Vary Malady and Rojofotsy rice community of Alaotra lake, Madagascar

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