Creative Finance Symposium 2017

08 - 09 March 2017
, Kenya


​As a follow-up to the HEVA /UNCTAD cooperation for the events held on Creative Economy Dialogues on 19–20 July 2016 – held during the UNCTAD 14 meeting in Kenya – HEVA Forum invited UNCTAD to continue its collaboration by participating in the Creative Finance Symposium held on 8–9 March 2017, in Nairobi, Kenya.

The symposium tackled two major themes: shifting finance policy in public, philanthropic and private arenas, as well as industry reflections and dialogue on new models of finance for creative industries. This was done in partnership with The Nest Collective, Forum Syd Kenya, The Danish high commission in Kenya, British Council Kenya, and the Embassy of the Netherlands in Kenya. HEVA supports the transformative and social economic potential of the creative sector in the East Africa region. From Nairobi, Kampala, Kigali, Arusha, Lamu to Dar es Salaam, the creative sector is where the creation of new products and new cultural experiences is happening.
There were a number of strong emerging issues:
  • HEVA-Creative-Finance-Symposium-Report-2017-cover-1a.jpgData collection: The urgent need for research and analysis of nuanced quantitative and qualitative in the creative sector, and the pivotal role it plays in winning government confidence and ensuring corporate investment.
  • Financial literacy: The key role this plays in the growth of creative entrepreneurships.
  • Collaboration and support among creatives: The opportunity this presents with regard to increasing market opportunities.
  • The aid to trade transition: A mixed module approach is needed to support this shift in this particularly underdeveloped and underinvested sector.
  • City-to-city collaborations: Beyond national level interactions, cities become an important site for the development, consumption and sharing of cultural work and products.




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Trade and Environment, Climate Change and Sustainable Development Branch

HEVA Forum program 


Carolina Quintana