Cybersecurity and Cybercrime: New Tools

18 April 2016
14:00-15:45 hrs., Room XXIV
, Switzerland

Cybersecurity and Cybercrime: New Tools
organized by
UNCTAD and World Bank
E-Commerce Week 2016

All countries are concerned with the rise in cybercrime and stealing of consumer data which is a regular activity of cybercriminals.

There is a growing trend to design cybersecurity strategies which include technical and legal remedies.

According to UNCTAD's Cyberlaw Tracker, about 75% of countries have adopted cybercrime laws and the challenges lie now into domestic enforcement and international cooperation.

Companies are also devising strategies to protect their assets.

To address the needs of countries and industries, several new tools have been developed by several institutions, including the World Bank, the Information Technology Industry Council (ITI) and the International Chamber of Commerce.

This session will present these new cybersecurity tools.


  • Cécile Barayre, Economic Affairs Officer, UNCTAD


  • David Satola, Lead Counsel, ICT Legal Advisor, The World Bank
  • John Miller, Vice President for Global Policy and Law, Cybersecurity and Privacy, Information Technology Industry Council
  • Elizabeth Bakibinga-Gaswaga, Legal Adviser, International Development Law, Commonwealth Secretariat
  • Jayantha Fernando, Director & Legal Advisor, ICT Agency, Sri Lanka
  • Ian Walden, Professor, Queen Mary University of London, United Kingdom

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