Dissemination event of the UNCTAD Voluntary Peer Review of Competition Law and Policy in Serbia

11 - 12 October 2012
, Serbia


In 2010, Serbia volunteered for a peer review of its competition regime organised by UNCTAD. The peer review comprised an in-depth assessment of Serbia’s competition law and policy by an independent expert. Under the chairmanship of Prof. Vincent Martenet, Chairman of the Swiss Competition Commission, a panel of experts from other competition authorities discussed the findings of the assessment report during the annual meeting of UNCTAD’s Intergovernmental Group of Experts of Competition Law and Policy in July 2011. The peer review resulted in several recommendations on how to further improve the Serbian competition regime and suggested specific technical assistance measures to support Serbia with the implementation of these recommendations. The Swiss government who funded the peer review wants to continue this support together with further development partners.

Purpose of the event  
The first day of the peer review dissemination event will inform local stakeholders about the findings and recommendations of the peer review held in 2011. It will further review the progress made to date in the implementation of the peer review recommendations and the support rendered by development partners.
The second day of the event is dedicated to competition issues of concern in Serbia. In particular, specific tools to fight cartels, such as dawn raids, and the cooperation between different government bodies to uncover anti-competitive practices will be discussed.
The UNCTAD Deputy Secretary-General, Mr. Petko Draganov, will open the event. Resource persons will include international and national competition experts. Representatives from the public and the private sector in Serbia and from the Southeast European region are invited to participate, as well as development partners of the Serbian competition authority.
Expected outcome / Deliverables 

It is expected that local stakeholders will be well informed about the results of the peer review and hence support the implementation of its recommendations in Serbia. Progress made to date shall be reviewed and the commitment of development partners to assist the Serbian competition authority shall be strengthened. In addition, a broad range of stakeholders including representatives from the private sector, e.g. business associations and specialized competition lawyers shall be sensitized about specific competition issues.


Participants: Representatives of Serbia’s public and private sector, as well as competition officials from Southeast Europe.
·         Prof. Vincent Martenet, Chairman, Competition Commission, Switzerland;
·         Ms. Nadia Bohli, SECO;
·         Mr. Sam Pieters, DG COMP, EU;
·         Ms. Anna Miks, Member of the Competition Council, GVH, Hungary;
·         Mr. David Anderson, Berwin Leighton Paisner LLP, Partner;
·         Prof. William Kovacic, George Washington University;
·         Ms. Kristina Geiger, Swedish Competition Authority.
·         Mr. Petko Draganov, UNCTAD Deputy Secretary-General
·         Hassan Qaqaya, Head, Competition and Consumer Policies Branch


(DITC/CCPB) -  05 Oct 2012
Republic of Serbia Commission for Protection of Competition
Sponsor / funding:
Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)

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Hassan Qaqaya
Tel: +41 22 917 5494