DMFAS debt data validation workshop in Azerbaïdjan

07 - 18 March 2022
, Azerbaijan

Government institutions responsible for debt management need a reliable database in order to produce statistics, analyze the debt situation, evaluate risks inherent in the debt portfolio and take correct debt management decisions. 

Debt managers and policymakers need to take informed decisions on new borrowing, benchmarking, the mix of instruments to be used, debt renegotiations, etc. These informed decisions are directly influenced by the quality and reliability of the debt database developed and maintained by the debt office. 

Therefore, debt management offices should undertake a formalized checking of their debt data on a regular basis and on the basis of written procedures. Debt data validation is more than just a quality control of the database. It should be seen within the wider framework of debt management. An assessment of the quality of the database will reveal the weaknesses as well as the strengths of the debt office, and will provide valuable information on the reliability of data to all stakeholders. 

This DMFAS Programme capacity-building workshop aims at improving the capacity of the Azeri debt office to adopt organizational arrangements, including internal procedures, that would guarantee the quality and reliability of debt data on a long-term basis. 
This module would also ensure that comprehensive, consistent and complete information is available for all levels of decision-making.

Sponsor / funding:
Swiss State Secretariat for Economic Affairs (SECO)

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Debt and development finance Debt and development finance



Debt Management and Financial Analysis Programme