E-course on building resilience and responding to shocks

02 September - 14 October 2024

The UN Trade and Development (UNCTAD) secretariat is pleased to announce that an electronic learning course titled “Building resilience and responding to shocks” will be available from 2 September to 14 October 2024. Once candidates have been nominated and/or have expressed interest, they will receive instructions for self-enrolling in the six-week course.

The aim of the course is to support capital-based government officials and policymakers, including alumni of the courses mandated under paragraph 166 of the Bangkok Plan of Action (2000), in building resilience and preparing for external shocks, whether they originate in the economic, social, environmental or health-related sphere. The present course pays special attention to the shocks generated by the pandemic and discusses the responses in some countries and by the international community. The post-pandemic economic recovery has begun, yet the course is relevant and important with regard to responding to shocks and crises. In addition, the course addresses the interdependence of national, regional and international economic realities and their policy implications. It incorporates an institutional approach and addresses the ability of countries to respond to multiple shocks and to mitigate and enhance capacity for response and resilience.

To enhance coordination and collaboration with local, regional and public institutions in understanding resilience, UN Trade and Development welcomes the nominations of public officials from various ministries and related institutions, both national and regional. The course is also open to academics and students in relevant fields. Nominees may work in various areas, including, but not limited to, economic development, planning, sustainable development, education, the environment, finance, investment and governance. Nominations are welcome from any of the five regions established to host venues for the regional courses under paragraph 166, namely, Africa, Asia and the Pacific, Eastern Europe, Latin American and the Caribbean and the Middle East and North Africa.

The UN Trade and Development secretariat invites relevant institutions from member States and permanent missions to nominate candidates who meet the following requirements:

  • Have an advanced degree in economics, business, international relations, trade law or public administration or a related area. A first degree with proven relevant work experience may also be accepted;
  • Have at least four years of relevant professional experience in a national public administration, a regional or international development organization and/or a research institute; dealing with economic, development and social matters in general and involved in the formulation and implementation of national and regional policies;
  • Have a full working knowledge of English, the official language of the course. UN Trade and Development member States are invited to present, by 29 August 2024, the first and last name and email addresses of qualified candidates to the secretariat through their permanent missions in Geneva.

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Training and capacity building Training and capacity building


Ms. Randa Jamal