As part of UNCTAD’s technical assistance to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development of Uganda and further to the successful organization of a Business and Enterprise Start-up Tool (BEST) workshop in December 2024, UNCTAD will organize an Empretec Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (ETW) in collaboration with its Empretec centre in Uganda (Enterprise Uganda), for a group of up to 35 young entrepreneurs, selected from the 100 who attended the BEST workshop in December 2024.
Empretec is UNCTAD’s flagship technical assistance programme. The Empretec Entrepreneurship Training Workshop is the programme’s core component which focuses on developing behavioural competencies of entrepreneurs, enhancing those personal entrepreneurial capabilities that are crucial for successfully running and growing a business. Empretec started in Argentina in 1988 and has been installed in more than 40 developing countries, benefiting 550,000 entrepreneurs through its renowned training component.