Empretec Training Workshop

30 July - 04 August 2018
Ministry of Commerce (MINCO) Palácio de Vidro, Largo 4 de Fevereiro 3
, Angola



Training participants segregated by gender / Participantes de formação segregados por género

Training participants segregated by sector / Participantes de formação segregados por sector


​Diversification of the economy in non-oil sectors involves integral attention to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) so that they are able to grow and allow Angola to compete in the global economy. Enterprise development encompasses multiple factors, including the ability of enterprises to attract investment capital and to participate in mutually beneficial business linkages with multinational enterprises.

As part of the training activities of the EU-UNCTAD joint Programme of Support for Angola: Train for Trade II, the Entrepreneurship Training Workshop (ETW) is a core element of UNCTAD's Empretec programme. The behavioural approach aims at developing entrepreneurship as a set of specific competencies and practices that can be observed, recognized, applied and acquired by entrepreneurs on their daily lives. By fostering participants' motivation and self-confidence, the ETW manages to show entrepreneurs the difference between merely running a business and building a successful growth-oriented enterprise.

In this training, target groups include established and aspiring micro, small and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) entrepreneurs, women, youth, MSME local suppliers, creative industries, representatives of regulators, donors and the public sector, responsible for MSMEs and social development and other groups, which are regarded as priority groups by national authorities. About 70% of participants are required to have entrepreneurship experience.

11 Sep 2018
Government of Angola and European Union in Angola
Sponsor / funding:
European Union

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2018-05-30_ANGOLA.pngMinistry of Commerce (MINCO)
Angola Train for Trade II.pngFor further information, see  


Adelino Muxito
Tatiana Krylova
Lorenzo Tosini

Tamara Gregol