Countries lose substantial resources through illicit financial flows. The 2030 Agenda and the Addis Ababa Action Agenda both call for efforts to measure and reduce illicit financial flows.
The purpose of the meeting is to discuss the concepts and methodologies for measuring illicit financial flows, including those for the SDG indicator 16.4.1. UNCTAD and UNODC are custodians of this indicator. Findings from earlier meetings and current work will be shared and discussed. The meeting will also provide insights into the measurement challenges and data requirements at the national and regional levels.
Experts of different types of illicit financial flows, their measurement and sources of data from international and regional organizations, national authorities and academia will participate in the event.
More information available on UNCTAD page "Defining, estimating and disseminating statistics on illicit financial flows in Africa".


Division on Globalization and Development Strategies