UNCTAD and the Commission of the Economic Community of West African States (ECOWAS) are organising the 5th Regional Meeting on the development of an ECOWAS E-commerce Strategy bringing together representatives of the ECOWAS Commission and two Senior Officials from each ECOWAS member state, representing the Ministries responsible for Trade and ICT.
The meeting will present the draft ECOWAS E-commerce Strategy to ECOWAS Senior Officials for their final review, validation, and onward transmission to ECOWAS Ministers responsible for Trade. The meeting will include a report by the ECOWAS Commission on key developments in the preparation of the ECOWAS E-Commerce Strategy, as well as detailed presentations of the strategy and implementation plan.
The Regional E-commerce Strategy Development project in ECOWAS is supported by the government of the Netherlands as part of UNCTAD’s eT Ready Implementation Support Mechanism (ISM).


Ina Hodge, Programme Management Officer, Digital Economy Capacity Building Section, E-commerce and Digital Economy (ECDE) Branch, UNCTAD